FAQ Software
- FAQ: Why won't Cheetah Software start?
- FAQ: When should I upgrade Cheetah?
- FAQ: Why does Cheetah capture multiple spikes in a single spike record?
- FAQ: What is NetCom
- FAQ: How do I use the MEX files?
- FAQ: What systems will Import/Export MEX files work with?
- FAQ: How do I analyze my Neuralynx data in MATLAB?
- FAQ: How can I convert A/D values to Volts?
- FAQ: Where can I get a sample NLX file?
- FAQ: What are the response limitations of Trial Control?
- FAQ: How does the Event Responder specify Port and Bit?
- FAQ: Can Video Tracker Files (NVT) and Raw Data Files (NRD) be played back at the same time in Cheetah?
- FAQ: How do you track in the infrared spectrum?
- FAQ: What kind of electrical shielding do you recommend for the recording environment with the Digital Lynx?
- FAQ: What are the system requirements for Cheetah 5?
- FAQ: Where do I find information on how to use Cheetah?
- FAQ: How can I see the sampling rate of my recordings?