Many users are transitioning from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Several Cheetah versions are available to support either operating system as well as 32bit and 64bit installations. Neuralynx recommends that Digital Lynx SX, FreeLynx and LabLynx users move to Windows 10 64bit as future releases of Cheetah will not support Windows 7 and Cheetah 6 is not compatible with Windows 10 32bit installations. Please review the system requirements based on your acquisition system as well as the When should I upgrade Cheetah FAQ.
Prior to upgrading your PC, we recommend all custom configuration files and neural data are backed up to a secondary location . Some Windows installations will require a complete reformat of your hard drive. In addition to backing up your configuration files and data, you can also backup your License file as it will still be valid when used on the same PC. This NlxLicense.lic file is located in the C:\ProgramData\Neuralynx folder. Please note, Cheetah 5 and Cheetah 6 may utilize different NetCom commands and updates to your scripts may be required.
After your Windows installation, download the latest version of Cheetah and the associated firmware from the Neuralynx website. When installing Cheetah, you will be asked for a license file. Browse to your saved license file and select it. If you do not have your existing license file, please follow the steps below:
- Click on the Windows Start menu and then search for or type "Run", select this and a window will open. In this window type "cmd" and press enter:
From the Command Prompt (black) screen, type
ipconfig/all > hostit.txt Press Enter
notepad hostit.txt Press Enter
A notepad document should open. Save this document and email it to along with a previous log file. Neuralynx will then provide a new valid license file.
Once complete, Cheetah will be ready to run as usual. Be sure to setup the Network Configurations prior to using Cheetah.
If you have any questions, please contact support at
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